Developing mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding
St Peter and St Paul CE Primary School aims to ensure that our children leave the school with a positive attitude and enthusiasm for mathematics. We aim to provide children with the skills and understanding to support their further learning. In order to achieve this, we
- present mathematics as an enjoyable and interesting activity, involving enquiry and experimentation
- encourage an inquisitive attitude to mathematics
- foster high standards of achievement in mathematics
- enable children to acquire and develop mathematical language, skills, knowledge and understanding within their individual capabilities
- equip children with strategies to enable them to apply mathematics to real and unfamiliar situations within and beyond the classroom
- develop an appreciation of the real value and fascination of mathematics as well as its usefulness in life
As a result our children will be able to:
- develop a positive and confident attitude to mathematics
- make an active contribution to their own learning, by developing the skills of independence and enquiry
- become confident and competent working with mathematics
- develop an understanding of the ways in which information is gathered and presented
- become thinkers and problem solvers
- develop a clear understanding of the language of mathematics
- develop logical thinking, enabling them to record work clearly and in a variety of ways
- develop the skills, knowledge and understanding needed in daily life